“St. Petersburg Theatre Seasons” go online for the first time
This year, the “St. Petersburg Theatre Seasons” international festival will be held online. For the first time in the history of the festival, the performances will be available to theatre lovers from anywhere in the world. Specially selected and well-filmed theatrical performances will be broadcast on the official website of the “Seasons” with English subtitles, so that everyone can enjoy the best of St. Petersburg’s theatre.
The festival is being held for the fourteenth time, and over the past thirteen years it has established itself as a “theatrical window to Europe”. The aim of the “St. Petersburg Theatre Seasons” is introducing the international public to theatre art created in St. Petersburg. Thus, performances staged in St. Petersburg’s theatres are shown annually on the world’s leading stages. The “Seasons” have already visited such cities as Prague, Tel Aviv, Berlin, Milan and others. However, this year everyone, who has access to the Internet, will have the opportunity to get involved in St. Petersburg’s theatre life. Seven performances have been professionally filmed and supplied with English subtitles: among them are “The Marriage” by Alexandrinsky Theatre, “Dead Souls” by Lensovet Theatre and “Hamlet. Screen” by State Bolshoi Puppet Theatre. The festival will also host online meetings and master classes. The program will begin with an international conference dedicated to organising large-scale events under severe restrictions imposed by the pandemic, which will be attended by the CEO of the national theatre prize and festival “Golden Mask”, Maria Revyakina, a member of the board of directors of the Scottish Opera, Roberta Doyle, and others. The program also includes two acting master classes as well as creative meetings with theatres’ teams. The “St. Petersburg Theatre Seasons” online is a free event, so in order to view the broadcasts of performances, master classes, conferences and creative meetings one only needs to register.
The “St. Petersburg Theatre Seasons” will run from 14 to 22 November. To find more information about the festival, see the schedule and register click here.
Cover photo: Hu Chen/Unsplash
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